This is the head area of your imaginary web page! This page is only created in order to show you how easy it is
to include Jax Formmailer into any of your own web pages... You only need 2 lines of PHP code.
Via GET-Parameter form_id you can change between your forms e.g. jax_formmailer.php?form_id=0 or

This is the navigation menu of your imaginary website.


This is the main content area of your imaginary website where your new mail form could be placed..Your are totaly free to adapt the mail form to your own design using CSS and HTML-Templates... You can define an individual appearance and design for any mail formular controlled by Jax Formmailer. For more details look into Jax Formmailer manual!

This form can't be accessed directly or from this URL (to avoid spamming). You have to set a link to this script from a page on your website!